Spring/Summer Bramley Benches

By popular request, we’ve designed a Spring/Summer version of our Bramley Bench, in white or blue painted wood style finishes, with plenty of fabric choices to fit the season. Each bench comes complete with singles animations for friends or sitting by yourself or romantic couples.

If you’re one of our VIP group members the bench is 50% off all day Tuesday. just remember to pay the red vendor with your group tag active!

{what next} Bramley Bench - Blue Marketplace

{what next} Bramley Bench - White MP


Both benches can be found near the mainstore landing point, as well as on our Marketplace store.

White Bramley Bench on the Marketplace

Blue Bramley Bench on the Marketplace

Have a great week!

By Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Sledding Party! New Group Gift at {what next}

We have a Christmas gift for our VIP group members out now at the {what next} mainstore! The Sledding Party Set has 6 rideable sleds for one, two or three avatars, all with custom animations, and also includes a decorative start and finish line for sled racing!

{what next} Sledding Party Set - VIP Group Gift small

The gift can be found at the mainstore near the landing point or from the archived group notices.



Please note : this gift is available to existing group members as well new members. The {what next} in-world group has a nominal join fee of L$250, group benefits include reward credits earnt on main-store purchases (between 5 -20% on each purchase, which can be redeemed to buy in-world products), occasional exclusive-group-only gifts, access to previous group gifts and 50% off non-event new releases at our main-store for the first 48 hours.

Thank you to all our friends and customers for the wonderful support we’ve received this past year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

SLurl to the {what next} main-store in Second Life

By Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

The {what next} Gift-Giving-Guide


If you’re looking for Christmas gifts for your Second Life friends or family, we have something to suit everyone at {what next}!


We sell transferable gift cards in denominations of L$100, L$250, L$500, L$1000, L$2500 and L$5000. The gift cards, along with a complementary mesh gift-box can be found near the main-store landing point.  See the link below for how to buy a gift card or how to redeem a card if you’ve received one:

How to buy or redeem a {what next} gift card


If you prefer to send a gift, our vendors have a ‘Buy As Gift” feature, simply touch the vendor for the menu. Sending as a gift is also possible from our Marketplace store, which has most of our new products, including many retired and discounted lines, no longer sold inworld. This option is perfect if you want to send copyable items as gifts.

 {what next} on the Marketplace


We have Wish Lists at {what next} …you can collect everything you want from {what next} in one place and add new items to your list from our mainstore just by touching the vendor. Create a Christmas list, but don’t forget to share it with friends and relatives!  You can also search for your friends’ lists here.

Creating a Wish List at {what next} 


We have a small area completely dedicated to our gacha items, each being transferable and perfect for gifting.  There’s a choice of  fun, interactive products from rideable scooters. driveable golf carts to chairs, including a ‘wearable’ lawn chair which can be worn anywhere!

SLurl to the{what next} Gacha Area

In addition to our gacha area, we also have two newer gacha items still available at The Arcade and The Garden:

Interactive Igloos at The Arcade

Wearable Hobby Horses at The Garden



By Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

New {what next} V.I.P Group Gift – Tiny House Tin Lanterns

We have a new V.I.P group gift at {what next} for our wonderful VIPs, The Tiny House Tin Lanterns – a set of three, in two sizes. They make an adorable Winter decoration to the sideboard or perhaps your porch or doorway.

{what next} Tiny House Tin Lanterns- VIP Group Gift_smaller

The gift is available to existing members and new members too. The group has a nominal join fee of L$250, with amazing group benefits including 5, 10, or 20% in rewards credits on main-store purchases, which quickly adds up for regular customers to buy future products, access to previous group gifts in our V.I.P group room and 50% off new main-store releases for the first 48 hours

The gift can be found from previous group notices, or in our VIP group room or near the landing point.

See the lanterns in Second Life

Have a fantastic week!
By Winter Thorn


{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Adventure Playground Roundabout at {what next}!

We’ve had many requests to create more playground equipment since we made our swingsets earlier this year and new this week is our Adventure Playground Roundabout! It’s designed for the “big kid” in all of us as you can see from the machinima film below:

Scripted with fun, custom animations this roundabout rotates when sat on and includes an optional dirt prim or shadow prim. Three colour options are included too.

{what next} Adventure Playground Roundabout Vendor Small

The roundabout can be demo’d inworld at our mainstore. It will be 50% off for {what next} VIP group members until midnight SLT Sunday , remember to pay the red vendor with your group tag active if you’re one our lovely VIPs!

It’s also on the Marketplace too – link here.

SLurl to the {what next} main-store in Second Life

By Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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