
ZombiePopcorn Brand at {what next}

Hi everyone! New this weekend at {what next} for the ZombiePopcorn Brand, the Amalfi Café  Table & Chairs for  Two, in three vibrant designs which would add a fresh and one of a kind feel to any outdoors setting. Designed especially for two avatars, they’re scripted with several adorable couples animations as well as singles and will rez or dispense a range of fun props – including sandwiches, wine, soda, coffee and newspaper, reading book, phone and cigarette.


The three sets are available at our mainstore, if you want to demo the animations and don’t forget to check out all the new items for this week’s ZombiePopcorn Wave at the brand store!

SLurl to the {what next} mainstore.

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

New Beach Towels & Parasols at {what next}

Hi everyone! We have three new beach and parasol sets at {what next} , each with adorable animations and lots of rezzable/wearable props including radio, magazine, book, ice-cream cone, laptop, soda, phone, postcards and pen, sunscreen.

Three very different sets to choose from, they make decorating your beach a breeze. Also, 50% off for {what next} V.I.P members up until this Friday, just make sure to pay the RED vendors and wear your group tag if you’re a group member.

You can find them at our mainstore. where you can test the animations.

SLurl to the {what next} mainstore.

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Lazy Sunday at {what next}

Hi everyone, happy weekend! New at {what next} for ‘Lazy Sunday’, a choice of three mesh beach parasols. They make a cute beach decoration with or without our Riviera Beach Towel sets.


You can find the parasols near the landing point and also on the Marketplace.

SLurl to the {what next} mainstore
Riviera Parasol – Pink Stripe
Riviera Parasol – Blue Stripe
Riviera Parasol – Plain

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

This weekend at {what next}

Since I’m technically on vacation still, our Fifty Linden Friday wooden tree swing will be at the special FLF price till the end of the weekend!

Also new at the mainstore now that the CHIC birthday and ZP Carnival events are over ,The Hampton Garden Sets and The Riviera Beach Towels.

All products can be found near the landing point at the main-store:
SLurl to {what next}

{what next} on the Marketplace

Have a great week!


{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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