valentine's day

Autumn Picture Shelves for Fifty Linden Friday

We’ve a set of two Fall themed picture frame shelves for this week’s Fifty Linden Friday!
Both shelves are included for L$50 and each is one land impact/copy/mod.



They can be found at the mainstore landing point and also the Marketplace:

Autumn Picture Shelves on the Marketplace

SLurl to {what next} in Second Life

Have a great Friday!

Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

What Next at Collabor88 September

Hi everyone! We’ve something for the new season out at Collabor88:

Country Kitchen Decor: cookbook stand and two fruit pies:
1 land impact each/copy/mod – L$88 for all three.


Fall Harvest Wheelbarrow:
4 land impact/copy/mod – L$88


Both will available at the Collabor88 sim, in Second Life, until October 6th.

Teleport to Collabor88

Official Collabor88 Cam Shopping Sim

Collabor88 September Catalogue online

Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

50% off sale at What Next

Hi everyone! We’re having an End of Summer Sale at the mainstore, before we get the sim decorated for Fall.

Products will be 50% off at our mainstore location only.
(excluding gift cards, gacha products, the new Provence Picnic Set)





Sale continues through to and including Monday 5th.

When you hover your mouse over a vendor you’ll see the original full price, but when you click “pay” you’ll be given the 50% off price.

SLurl to What Next:

Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

New Provence Picnic at the What Next mainstore!

We’ve a new mainstore release this week, something to keep Summer around just a little bit longer, the Provence Picnic Set!

It’s an eight piece set with lots of country charm, many of the decor pieces are standalone prop dispensers which can be used anywhere. It seats 1-4 avatars, with automatically rezzing wearable picnic food and drink. There’s also a couples menu with adorable romantic animations, included sharing a drink together. The picnic table, benches and tray table have two finish options – painted off-white wood and rustic wood. The runner has multiple fabric options and there’s also a no-runner table included.


The entire set is 12 land impact (4 for the table, 2 for the drinks tray and all other decor pieces are 1LI). It’s copyable and available as a full set (saving 20%) or individually. If you’re a What Next VIP group member , you have the chance to purchase the set for 50% off until Tuesday – just remember to buy from the VIP red vendors underneath the regular vendors with your group tag active!



A demo and vendors are by the mainstore landing point. All the pieces are available on the Marketplace too.

SLurl to What Next:

Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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