Super Bargain Saturday

Super Bargain Saturday 60L sale at {what next}

Super Bargain Saturday closes in two weeks and this week is the last EVER SBS for us and we”ve put everything we”ve ever released for the event out at 60L! This excludes holiday items, but you can expect to find our porch swing, lots of lawn chairs, chandeliers, retro clocks, lanterns, doormats and lots of decor.

The sale will last this weekend only.

Huge thanks to Clementine Ishtari, who ran the event and worked so hard for the group! Our sale items are in a skybox:

SLurl to the SBS sale at {what next}

SBS & Lazy Sunday at {what next}

New for Super Bargain Saturday, a set of  L-O-V-E Balloons: these ‘wearable’ balloons are a cute alternative to greetings cards, ideal to give on Valentine’s Day, or just because. Gift-boxed and transferable for gifting, two are included in each box, one with a simple arm hold animation and one with a floating up in the air animation. There are four to choose from, each with a different sentiment.



For Lazy Sunday: a set ofA ntique Heart Tree Lanterns: by popular request, a Spring version of our Winter tree lanterns. Designed to be hung from trees or outdoors, four pretty colours included with a heart design on the glass.

All items are at the main-store landing point and also on the Marketplace.

Antique Heart Tree Lanterns on the Marketplace

L-O-V-E Balloons on the Marketplace

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

New at {what next}

Hello! It’s Lazy Sunday and Super Bargain Saturday at our mainstore this weekend:

For SBS: Eggnog Set L$60 this weekend only – dispenses a glass of eggnog, great for parties!

For Lazy Sunday L$75: The PineKnot Fireside Rug for Two: a cosy rug with pillows to match the Pineknot Collection or even other seasonal room themes. Warm hands or roast marshmallows by the fireside with friends or share a cosy cuddle with someone special, with one of the six couples animations:

Both are available inworld and at our Marketplace store.

SLurl to the {what next} mainstore

New at {what next}

Hello everyone! New this weekend at {what next}…some more pieces to collect of The Morning Tea Bedroom.

For Lazy Sunday, L$75 this weekend only: The Morning Tea Blanket Box, complete with animated sits (male and female) and three texture change options on the blanket:

For Super Bargain Saturday, a set of four varying classic chandeliers, L$60 this weekend:

As it’s Labor Day weekend for some of us, the items will be out at their sale prices on Monday too!

Both available at the {what next} mainstore and also on The Marketplace here.

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Super Bargain Saturday @ {what next}

Hi everyone! New for SBS, is the ‘Under The Stars’ Porch Swing. It comes with 20 singles animations, 8 couples animations and self-rezzing props which are given out to everyone so friends can use the props with the animations, including reading book, guitar and lemonade. Two versions are included, one with a smooth swinging motion and one without. It’s also only L$60, but for this weekend only!

Teleport to the {what next} mainstore

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