Cafe & Kitchen

New! Drawer Shelves

New this weekend at {what next}, the drawer shelves, perfect for displaying little knick knacks. There are three sets to choose from, each on special offer this weekend for ‘Lazy Sunday’. They come empty, so you can add your own decor. They’re one land impact each and copyable.

Drawer Shelves_small

The decor on the shelves shown in the above picture,  is from {what next}, aside from the teacups, teapot and cakes, which are from Tres Blah at the Arcade Gacha. The Eggies are our Easter Egg Hunt gifts, hidden on the Nest sim.

The drawer shelves can be found near the mainstore landing point , as well as our Marketplace store.

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

Happy weekend!


{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Super Bargain Saturday & Photo Contest at {what next}

It’s SBS for us this weekend and you can pick up the Springtide Lights for the special SBS price of L$60, that includes the lanterns and little flowerpot candles. Since it’s a transferable and giftboxed set, it’s make a nice gift for someone too this holiday weekend.

It’s the last few days for our Tour de Second Life Photo Contest and the chance to win L$5000 in {what next} store credit! You can find all the details here on the {what next} Flickr page or inworld at the landing point, next to the ‘wearable’ bicycles.  If you still want to take part, you have until April 10th.

Have a great weekend everyone!

SLurl to the {what next} mainstore

New Spring things at {what next}!

Hi everyone! Two new Spring themed sets this weekend at {what next}:

For the Zombie Popcorn Brand, The Orlaith Garden Set – the set includes two hardwood style deckchairs fitted with pretty vintage style floral prints and would look at home at any garden party, patio or even a country style kitchen! Lots of little extras included, the picnic style basket with thermos decor, bunting strings, side table and teacups too:

For ‘Lazy Sunday’ – the “All About Spring” Planters – available in a copy or transferable set. The transferable set is gift-boxed, perfect for Mother’s Day tomorrow (in the UK anyway!). The set includes three ground planters filled with tulips and a wall planter with bicycle stencil:


Available at the main-store as well as the Marketplace. Don’t forget to visit the Zombie Popcorn Brand themed shop for more new goodies!

SLurl to the {what next} main-store
SLurl to Zombie Popcorn
{what next} on the Marketplace

Eggcups for the Egg Hunt!

We’re very happyto be taking part in the egg hunt at The Nest! We’ve made these cute little eggcups especially and think they’d make a perfect table decoration.

Hope you can visit The Nest, for more home and garden hunt goodlies, you’re looking for a little basket of eggs and all participating stores will have the above poster on their store front somewhere.

SLurl to the Nest

Thanks for reading!


{what next} at EPOCH Legend

The fabulous EPOCH Legend event is now open and definitely worth a visit! It features 4 venues – centered around themes of Art of Escher, Beast and Clowning and more than 50 brands participating. You can find more info about the event from the website here.

Our new items are at the Art of Escher, hosted by Forgotten City and decorated by Uriah Eulendberg. Our items are inspired by the geometric patterns and symmetry in Escher’s works: the Alhambra Deckchair Sets, each set includes two deckchairs, occasional table, drinks tray (dispenses glasses of iced tea) and vase of lilies. The set is partial mesh, so you’ll need a mesh enabled viewer to see some of it.


With Spring approaching, the low prim deckchairs come in seasonal colours (two sets to choose from – blue/yellow or pink/green), ideal for sprucing up the patio, garden or balcony area and relaxing with a choice of deckchair animations.

Please note that these items are exclusive to the EPOCH event and only sold at the Art of Escher venue.

SLurl to the Art of Escher venue.

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