Lazy Sunday at {what next}

I’m a bit late posting this, as I’ve been busy with the H&G Expo, but it’s still Sunday here! I had a lost of requests to redo the Marais Gossip Bench in a more pink or girly style, so here is the Darling Buds Gossip Bench Set for Lazy Sunday – 100% mesh, and you can pick up the whole set for L$75 at the special offer price:

As with the other gossip benches, this one has some cute animations, such as chatting on the phone and will give out a pink handset to wear.

It’s available on the Marketplace here as well as at the {what next} main-store.

SLurl to {what next} in-world

New at {what next} for Lazy Sunday

Keeping in the music related theme of our new products at Culture Shock, we have 4 music festival poster-style, groovy deckchairs, perfect for fun-hangouts!

Each chair has quality animations for male and female avatars, including drinking, reading, apply sunscreen and even play guitar! ‘Wearable’ props are given as needed and each chair is only 75L this weekend only.

SLurl to {what next}

Super Bargain Saturday 60L sale at {what next}

Super Bargain Saturday closes in two weeks and this week is the last EVER SBS for us and we”ve put everything we”ve ever released for the event out at 60L! This excludes holiday items, but you can expect to find our porch swing, lots of lawn chairs, chandeliers, retro clocks, lanterns, doormats and lots of decor.

The sale will last this weekend only.

Huge thanks to Clementine Ishtari, who ran the event and worked so hard for the group! Our sale items are in a skybox:

SLurl to the SBS sale at {what next}

{what next} at Culture Shock

Culture Shock has now opened and we’ve a range of fun pieces that would make a great addition to the living, music room or a little hangout – the Lounging Pillows, framed posters, pile of vinyl and retro record players (available in 5 colours) are 100% mesh, the yellow versions are both 100% donation items to the event’s chosen charity Médecins Sans Frontières:

Hope you get a chance to visit! You can find the event store map are SLurls here.

SLurl to Culture Shock

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