
New at {what next}

Hi everyone! New for ‘Lazy Sunday, two sets of {what next} Café Lights, one set in nold colours and one bright colourful set. These stylish pendant factory/cafe style lights would suit modern or traditional interiors. such as hallway, kitchen or living room. Ideal for commercial sims and cafes, as they’re copyable.

Each set includes:

* includes ALL 5 colours (bold – red, black, silver, white and royal blue) (colourful – pink,aqua, green, coffee, and yellow)

* menu-driven for the owner – so you can adjust light intensity,falloff,radius and colour

* includes versions with a long pendant and shorter

Available on the Marketplace:
Café Lights (bold)
Café Lights (colourful)

See them at our main-store inworld:
SLurl to {what next}

Have a great weekend!


New: Boathouse Cottage Row Boat at {what next}

Go boating with this super cute row boat! Wear the oars and lazily row or sit back and enjoy the scenery in the passenger seat. In a light wood and pale blue finish, this boat would look adorable on a little seaside harbour or a a countryside riverway. It’s also decorated with a hanging lantern.

It’s at a special sale price for the ‘Lazy Sunday’ event, this weekend only.

* vehicle/boat transports two (pilot and passenger)

* three speeds forward

* particle wake and ripples

* dispenses wearable oars

* hanging lantern decor (touch toggle on/off)

* custom boat model and custom animations

* 12 prims/mod/copy (scripts and animations copy only)

Available at the Marketplace and main-store in-world.

{what next} Boathouse Cottage Row Boat on the Marketplace

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

have a good weekend everyone!


Café Stools @ {what next}

Hi everyone! We had many requests to put out for sale the café bar stools we use at our Café the Vine venue, so here they are for ‘Lazy Sunday’ this week.

Make your café, venue or kitchen a chic place to see and be seen with these stylish part chrome-look stools, designed to fit in with most café decor, all four colours included too.

* Menu-driven animations, low lag scripting and adjustable – 16 animations to choose from, ranging from sitting to eating, drinking, reading, using laptop and playing guitar.

* stool dispenses a folder of “wearable” props, so your friends or visitors can use the fun animations included. Props include: guitar,laptop,coffee mug, glass of milk or juice, reading book,sandwich,pastry,doughnut

* 5 prims each, copy/mod (scripts and animations copy only – props: copy/trans)

These café bar stools can be demo’d inworld at our main-store and also sold on our Marketplace store.

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

{what next} Café Stools on the Marketplace.

Café the Vine at {what next}

{what next} in Prim Perfect Magazine

We were thrilled to be interviewed for Prim Perfect Magazine’s January issue and to have the opportunity to furnish a home on the Second Norway sim. We had a lot of fun decorating the home and you can see the result in the magazine.

Prim Perfect Issue 39: Designer of the Month

You can read more about the Second Norway sims, as well as other fantastic articles related to all things home and garden in Second Life.

Prim Perfect Issue 39: Cover

Pictures taken from Prim Perfect on Flickr.

Many thanks to Rowan, PJ, Saffia, Ey and everyone at Prim Perfect!

Prim Perfect Blog
Prim Perfect Magazine Issue 39
SLurl to the {what next} main-store.

ZombiePopcorn Brand: {what next}

We’re very happy to be taking part in the ZombiePopcorn Brand, a themed shop consisting of 2 week rotations of more than 30 designers. Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, we’ve created the Catalina Bench, which seats two with adorable romantic couples animations, but also plenty of singles sits too.

In a wrought-iron style finish and delicate design, it would make a beautiful touch to any garden. Both versions, with and without the “Be Mine” tag are included. Laptop, mug, glass of wine, reading book props are included too and can be used by friends using the bench also.

You can demo the bench at our main-store, but make sure you visit the ZP Brand Shop to see all the wonderful creations this weekend. You can also see all the goodies here on the group Flickr

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

SLurl to the ZP Brand Shop

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