
Palma Set for Collabor88

New for this month’s Collabor88 – the Palma Set, includes rocking chairs, table, potted plant, books, cups decor and lanterns! Available as a full set or you can purchase the table top decor as a set by itself, rocking chairs/table and lanterns individually.

The rocking chairs and table are texture-changing , with 7 different colours and multiple pillow combinations from plain to patterns. Pot, cups and books are texture-change too.
Land impact: chairs 3 each (optional shadow prim 1LI), table, lanterns and decor all 1LI each.

All items will available at the Collabor88 sim, in Second Life, until May 6th.

Teleport to Collabor88

Official Collabor88 Cam Shopping Sim

Collabor88 April Catalogue online

Winter Thorn

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{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Fifty Linden Friday Rocking Chairs!

We’ve two new colours of our Bramley Rocking Chairs for this week’s Fifty Linden Friday, retextured with Spring and Summer in mind. Two colours to choose from, each with 16 pillow texture options,  also including is a plain/no-pillow version too.


Each has a gentle rocking movement, simply touch the chair to start and stop.

{what next} Bramley Rocking Chairs blue marketplace{what next} Bramley Rocking Chairs White marketplace

SLurl to the {what next} main-store in Second Life

Rocking Chair in Blue on The Marketplace

Rocking Chair in White on The Marketplace

Have a good weekend!

By Winter Thorn

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{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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