Linden homes

New Seaclose Floating Deck at What Next

Hi everyone! We’ve a new mainstore release: The Seaclose Floating Deck, designed to complement the wonderful LL premium home Bellisseria houseboats or if you don’t have a houseboat, they’d be equally as fun, as long as you have real sim water to place it on! It’s animated for 1 -4 avatars ( or a couple), with Bento deck sits, water animations such as swimming, diving, jumping, floating depending on where you sit. It comes with a separate diving board for a 5th avatar with various different dive animations.

It’s packaged in a rezzer with a menu, so you can rez just the standalone 13li deck by itself, or all or any of the addons, such as stairs, ladder, rope railings or lights. All the addons are 1 -2li per piece – for the setup in the picture, it would be around 28li. 4 wood colours to choose. We’ve included an optional walkway piece as well as the railings if you want to use them elsewhere or as a connecting piece.

If you’re one of our lovely VIP group members, you can purchase it for 50% off, offer ending Tuesday evening – 11th June (store credit purchases not included, as group discount cannot be applied to credit).


Plus, as you can see in the picture, there’s also space for you to style the deck, with your own loungers or bar for example. The bar set and chairs/decor/table are available separately (Palisades Bar Set & Southsea Deckchairs , table & decor).

There’s a demo at our mainstore to try. Hope you like it!

Winter Thorn

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