lawn chairs

Lazy Sunday & Culture Shock at {what next}

New this weekend for Lazy Sunday, a set of two mesh wall print collections – designed for the kitchen, I think they’d also work well in a cafe or dining room area.

They’re $L75 for both sets this weekend only at our main-store and also on the Marketplace here.

Don’t forget that Culture Shock still has another week left to run and now the rush has died down, it’s a perfect time to visit. If you haven’t visited yet, we have an adorable, mesh,retro-inspired music room set there – all pieces are sold separately and all the proceeds from the yellow record player and yellow Loungin Pillow go to the designated charity. You can also pick up a free mesh music poster at our booth too!

SLurl to Culture Shock

Have a great weekend!


SLurl to the {what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace

New Retro Radios at {what next}

New this week for Lazy Sunday, two sets of fashionable, stylish, retro radios. They’re a great addition to any room, or even picnic or garden areas.

Not only do they look great, they also act as land stream changers.

One set contains block colours (all colours included), and the second set includes five radios with designs ranging from the girly English Rose radio to the funky Union Jack.

See the whole range at our in-world main-store and remember the Lazy Sunday special offer price of L$75 lasts this weekend only!

Have a great weekend!


SLurl to the {what next} main-store

New Spring things at {what next}!

Hi everyone! Two new Spring themed sets this weekend at {what next}:

For the Zombie Popcorn Brand, The Orlaith Garden Set – the set includes two hardwood style deckchairs fitted with pretty vintage style floral prints and would look at home at any garden party, patio or even a country style kitchen! Lots of little extras included, the picnic style basket with thermos decor, bunting strings, side table and teacups too:

For ‘Lazy Sunday’ – the “All About Spring” Planters – available in a copy or transferable set. The transferable set is gift-boxed, perfect for Mother’s Day tomorrow (in the UK anyway!). The set includes three ground planters filled with tulips and a wall planter with bicycle stencil:


Available at the main-store as well as the Marketplace. Don’t forget to visit the Zombie Popcorn Brand themed shop for more new goodies!

SLurl to the {what next} main-store
SLurl to Zombie Popcorn
{what next} on the Marketplace

Super Bargain Saturday & Lazy Sunday at {what next}

Hi everyone! More
Cafe/Retro style accessories this weekend, for Super Bargain Saturday and Lazy Sunday.

For Super Bargain Saturday: the Cafe Retro Clock is a vintage style clock. With the “Keep Calm and Drink Coffee” slogan, it would equally suit the kitchen, dinette, coffee shop or diner and ALL eight colours are included, for the special price of L$60 this weekend only:

For Lazy Sunday: add a little retro cool to your kitchen, dining room or office with this little working retro fan. All 7 colours included to suit everyone. Features include optional rotating blades and sound FX. L$75 this weekend only!

Both are available on the Marketplace as well as at the main-store inworld.

Have a great weekend!


Cafe Retro Clocks on the Marketplace
Cafe Fans Set on the Marketplace
SLurl to {what next} in-world.

New at {what next}

Hi everyone! New for ‘Lazy Sunday, two sets of {what next} Café Lights, one set in nold colours and one bright colourful set. These stylish pendant factory/cafe style lights would suit modern or traditional interiors. such as hallway, kitchen or living room. Ideal for commercial sims and cafes, as they’re copyable.

Each set includes:

* includes ALL 5 colours (bold – red, black, silver, white and royal blue) (colourful – pink,aqua, green, coffee, and yellow)

* menu-driven for the owner – so you can adjust light intensity,falloff,radius and colour

* includes versions with a long pendant and shorter

Available on the Marketplace:
Café Lights (bold)
Café Lights (colourful)

See them at our main-store inworld:
SLurl to {what next}

Have a great weekend!


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