lawn chairs

Wine Caddy for Lazy Sunday

Our Wine Caddy is on special offer for L$50, for this week’s Lazy Sunday! Lazy Sunday, is organized and coordinated by Seraphim & Bad Unicorn, and is a Marketplace sales event.
It kicks off every Sunday at midnight and continues until Friday at 11:59 pm SLT (23:59).

The wine caddy been updated with priority 6 animations and an optional cheese plate to hold in the lefthand. If you’ve already purchased it prior to this weekend, you can get the updated version for free from the Redelivery Terminal or any of our vendors (left mouse click touch vendor/ Redeliver button)

– dispenses a glass of red wine to drink or hold (right-hand)
– dispenses optional cheese plate to hold (left-hand)
– bento wine glass props / resizable/ temp-attach
– optional copy versions of wine glass props for owner’s personal use
– priority 6 animations
– wine glass rezzable decor included too
– 1 land impact for the caddy, wine glass decor also 1li
– copy/mod (scripts & props no mod)

It can be found at the mainstore landing point and on the Marketplace too HERE.

SLurl to What Next inworld.

Participating stores this week and products, check out the Seraphim gallery HERE.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week 🙂


Pizza Time for Lazy Sunday

Hi everyone! We’re taking part in Lazy Sunday, a Marketplace sales event organised by Seraphim & Bad Unicorn. Lazy Sunday kicks off every Sunday at midnight and continues until Friday at 11:59 pm SLT (23:59).

Pizza Time is on special offer for L$50 during Lazy Sunday – until Friday at 11:59pm:

* Pizza Time – 6 piece set – includes pizzas & drinks!
– includes 2 pizzas ( 1 veg option), pizza box decor, wine, cola & beer
– pizzas give out a slice of pizza (bento/ resizable/ auto attach/ temp-rez)
– drinks also dispense a glass of wine/ beer / cola (to drink or hold)
– includes copyable version of props for owner
– 1 land impact per piece
– copy. mod

Pizza Time on the Marketplace HERE

Pizza Time is also reduced in the mainstore, if you prefer to shop inworld.
SLurl To What Next

Gallery of all participating stores + products for this week: LINK

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and Happy July 4th to all those who celebrate it!


Lazy Sunday at {what next}!

It’s ‘Lazy Sunday”s third birthday this weekend! It’s one that’s special to us, as we’ve been taking part in ‘Lazy Sunday’ since the first one ever. There are a ton of stores participating this weekend, so hope you can check them all out.

We have an addon set to our Garden Cafe Caravan, though it also works completely as a standalone set for the garden and especially great for entertaining and parties. The lemonade dispensers give out drinks and everything on the table, including the table comes with it.

Garden Cafe Lemonade Table Set for Lazy Sunday_small



You can the set on the Marketplace as well as in the usual place, near the mainstore landing point.

Garden Cafe Lemonade Table Set on the Marketplace

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

Thanks for reading!


{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Sunday Sales at {what next}

It’s ‘Lazy Sunday’ at {what next}..we had several requests for plain, coloured versions of our cafe style Finsbury Stools. Two sets are available for “Lazy Sunday’, special offer ending tonight!

{what next} Finsbury Stools (Colours)

{what next} Finsbury Stools (Pastels)

It’s also the last day for our VIP group 50% special offer on our new Boardwalk Bicycle Rezzer, available at the mainstore where you can rez one of the bikes for yourself and give it a test ride!

{what next} Boardwalk Bicycle Rezzer_small

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

Have a great week or enjoy the rest of the long weekend, if you’re in the UK!


{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

Picnic Tins for Lazy Sunday

We have a set of very adorable vintage style picnic tins are perfect for picnic-ing outdoors, decorating the garden table or seating area or they just look adorable grouped together for indoor decoration.

They’re also on special offer for Lazy Sunday, the full colour set included.

{what next} Picnic Tins Small

Two rezzable versions included (handles up or down)

attachable/ ‘wearable’ version also included, scripted to animate the arms only (will overlay AO animations if they’re low enough priority) and hold the tin (guests can touch it for the menu of wearable food/drink)

tins dispense on touch from the menu – papercups of lemonade, iced tea, a cupcake & sandwich wearable props. Wearable food/drink scripted to animate the arm only for eating/drinking

includes stack of tins too – decorative only

mesh ~ land impact 1 per tin, 2 per stack decor
copy/mod (animation,script,props no mod)

wearable picnic

You can find them at our mainstore near the landing point, as well as on the Marketplace:

Picnic Tins on the Marketplace

SLurl to the {what next} main-store

Hope you can visit us this weekend, plus check out all the participating stores this weekend!

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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