New Fall Decor for Fifty Linden Friday!

Hi everyone! We’ve new Fall decor for this week’s Fifty Linden Friday – a Copper Fall Sign + Pumpkins:

* 1 land impact each
* sign with 4 texture-options / two versions with or without lights
(lights use viewer fullbright and glow/ decor only/don’t emit light)
* copper bucket of pumpkins – with three colour options: orange/offwhite/pink

You can find them by the mainstore landing point and Marketplace too:

Remember to check out all the participating stores in this week’s Fifty Linden Friday – to see who is participating, join the Fifty Linden Friday inworld group and a notice with the list is sent out on Thursday evening every week.


Hope you like them!
Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

50% SALE at What Next

Hello! This week is our annual 50% off sale at the mainstore.

* The sale runs from until Monday, 7th Sept (including the 7th)
* 50% off VIP Group join fee during sale week ( L$125 instead of L$250)
* Vendors show the full price and 50% is refunded immediately after purchase
* Sale excludes gift cards, gacha and Marketplace purchases
* Sale discount overrides the 10% VIP Group discount
* Sale applies to purchases made with LINDENS only – 50% discount doesn’t apply to
purchases made with gift cards or store credit (vendor system limitation)

We’ve setup a small area for Fall products early, so they’re included in the sale this year,
as well as our Winter seasonal area.

* On multi-product vendors: the product you want to purchase needs to be on the large CENTRE panel (move products to the centre by touch or using the arrow buttons).  All vendors also have a Redeliver button – left touch for the menu and choose Redeliver.

{what next} main-store

Have a great rest of the week!
Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

New lighting and decor for Fifty Linden Friday!

We’ve new lighting and decor sets on offer for this week’s Fifty Linden Friday. Hope you like them!

* Balboa Lighting – set of 3 : pendant light, floor and table lamp
* pendant light 2 or 4li for shorter or longer cable
* floor lamp: 2li – 7 shade options and 2 base colours
* table lamp 1li – 7 shade options
* touch to turn light on/off
* texture changing HUD for the 2 lamps

Balboa Screen & wall Shelf – 2 piece set – room divider/dressing screen and
small wall shelf :
* screen with 4 texture variations: 2li
* wall shelf: 2 texture options: 1li
* touch for texture menu
All copy/mod (scripts no mod)

You can find both sets by the mainstore landing point and on the Marketplace too:

Balboa Lighting on the Marketplace
Balboa Screen & Wall Shelf on the Marketplace

{what next} main-store

Remember to check out all the participating stores in this week’s Fifty Linden Friday – to see who is participating, join the Fifty Linden Friday inworld group and a notice with the list is sent out on Thursday evening every week.

Have a great Friday and weeekend 🙂
Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

What Next at SLB17 Shop & Hop

There’s still time to visit the SL17B Shop & Hop, as part of Second Life 17th birthday celebrations – it will be open until July 12th. We’ve 50% off a selection of seasonal products as well as a free gift, surfboard wall decor!

The discount is already applied to the vendors.You can see a list of the 200 stores taking part and a list of SLurls on the blog post here.

We’ve also a new outdoors torch at the event, which goes well the Palisades range of products:

You can find us on the Sugarplum sim, on the corner!

SLurl to What Next at SLB17

Strawberry Lemonade Treats for Fifty Linden Friday!

Hi everyone! We’ve two new summery treat sets for this week’s Fifty Linden Friday:

* Strawberry Lemonade Dispenser:
– Dispenser: 21li
– Includes Papercups Decor :1li
– Dispenser gives out a drink of lemonade on touch
– Bento animated
– Copy
* Strawberry Lemonade Cake:
– Cake: 2li – ncludes slice of cake decor:1li
– The cake gives out a slice of cake on touch
– Bento animated
– Copy

We hope you like them! You can find both sets by the mainstore landing point and on the Marketplace too:

{what next} main-store

Remember to check out all the participating stores in this week’s Fifty Linden Friday – to see who is participating, join the Fifty Linden Friday inworld group and a notice with the list is sent out on Thursday evening every week.

Winter Thorn

{what next} main-store
{what next} on the Marketplace
{what next} on Flickr

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